Story From The Founder, David Corker

After my hip replacement, I experienced excruciating pain in my hips and my lower back along with agonizing nightly leg cramps. Most nights consisted of interrupted sleep and discomfort. I suffered for several years with this discomfort, until my orthopedic and chiropractic doctors finally suggested I try sleeping with a pillow between my legs. The pillow, they said, offered support for my spine, relieving the pressure placed on my lower back and hips during sleep. 

Eager for a solution to my pain and suffering, I tried it - and it worked. But, keeping the pillow in place was frustrating. It would end up on the floor, at the foot of the bed and even on my wife’s side of the bed. I continued to experience a sore back, hip pain, and relentless leg cramps! 

The pillow between my legs did alleviate the pain and cramping on the rare nights I didn’t shift in my sleep. This encouraged me to find a better solution, and after a vivid dream and with some divine intervention, I came up with the concept for the Pillow PJs.

I excitedly shared my idea with my wife, who laughed it off as another of my crazy ideas. However, when I shared the idea with my chiropractor, she was impressed and encouraged me to pursue creating the product.   

I secured a patent lawyer who agreed it was a workable idea. The patent lawyer spoke with others in the field, and everyone had the same reaction. Why didn’t they think of that? They all agreed the concept was simple and straightforward, and it would work.

I went to work immediately. I bought a used sewing machine, taught myself to sew, and created prototypes of the Pillow PJs. The process was long and grueling, but I believed strongly in the merits of the product and knew that if you used it, better sleep was possible.

After hours of testing and research, I had a product that not only worked but worked well. 

Sleeping with my patent pending Pillow PJs resulted in my back pain and leg cramps disappearing. Through a rigorous testing and adjusting process with volunteers, we have a product that not only works but that users love.

It is our sincere hope you get the same life-changing results from our products.